Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Celestron Astromaster 130EQ-MD (Motor Drive) If you're looking for a dual-purpose telescope appropriate for both terrestrial and celestial viewing, then the AstroMaster Series is for you. Each AstroMaster model is capable of giving correct views of land and sky. The AstroMaster Series produce bright, clear images of the Moon and planets. It is easy to see the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn with every one of these fine instruments. For views of the brighter deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae, we recommend the larger aperture and light gathering ability of the Newtonian reflectors. With the permanently mounted StarPointer and erect image optics, the Astromaster is ideal for both terrestrial and celestial viewing, also featuring a German equatorial mount with Setting Circles -- to accurately locate and track sky objects so you can set your sights for that perfect view of the stars and other celestial objects of interest, all shown in crisp clear detail thanks to the all coated glass optics. Furthermore, this model also features the motor drive for automatic tracking, so you will now never have to lose track of those celestial objects of interest. Quick and easy to set up using the quick release dovetail attachment with no tools required, the telescope also comes complete with a deluxe accessory tray for convenient storage of all your accessories, a rugged pre-assembled tripod with 1.25" steel tube legs as a sturdy, rigid viewing platform for much improved images, and The Sky Level 1 ...

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Celestron 31035 AstroMaster 76 EQ Reflector Telescope

!9#: Celestron 31035 AstroMaster 76 EQ Reflector Telescope

Rate : | Price : $119.00 | Post Date : Dec 22, 2011 11:54:49
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

If you're looking for a dual-purpose telescope appropriate for both terrestrial and celestial viewing, then the AstroMaster Series is for you. Each AstroMaster model is capable of giving correct views of land and sky. The AstroMaster Series produce bright, clear images of the Moon and planets. It is easy to see the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn with every one of these fine instruments. For views of the brighter deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae, we recommend the larger aperture and light gathering ability of the Newtonian reflectors.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Telescopes for Beginners

!9#: New Telescopes for Beginners

There are two basic types of telescopes: one in the reflector and the other is the refracting telescope. It is important to know the difference so the you can choose what is correct for your circumstances.

The first telescopes were the refractor type. A man named Lippershey was tinkering with eyeglass lenses and noticed that when he place one lens in front of the another the object resting just beyond the lenses were magnified slightly.

He soon built the first spyglass, the first optical telescope which focused light into the human eye. It also used two lenses. The first lens (the objective lens) collects and refracts (bends) incoming light, focusing it into a tiny image.

The secondary lens, placed directly in front of the first, magnifies the image, making it look larger to the eye.

This new invention was used as a novelty at parties and later by army officers to observe enemy troop movement up close. No one thought about using it to study the skies.

Galileo is best known for taking this invention, improving on it with more magnification, and turning it upwards to observe astronomy. He was the first to see other planets.

Telescopes were not only getting larger and more powerful the quality of the lenses were improving rapidly making images sharper.

A Scottish mathematician named James Gregory in the 1660s tried building a telescope that used mirror instead of a lens to gather light.

Isaac Newton picked up on the idea, came up with a simpler and better reflecting telescope, or a reflector. Light enters the telescope's tube from an opening in the front. The light travels to a mirror located in the back and bounces off.

Because the mirror curves inward slightly the reflected light comes together and forms a small image in the center of the scope.

To get the best viewing for your money your best choice would probably be a good pair of binoculars (two telescopes for the price of one). After that reflector telescopes are great for beginners. When you have more experience move up to a refractor telescope.

Happy viewing, mary

written by marybethc visit at

New Telescopes for Beginners

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Celestron 93610 AstroMaster AZ Tripod for Small telescopes

!9# Celestron 93610 AstroMaster AZ Tripod for Small telescopes

Brand : Celestron | Rate : | Price : $71.37
Post Date : Nov 20, 2011 20:33:56 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Heavy duty tripod with steel legs provides a stable platform for binoculars, small telescope tubes, spotting scopes, etc.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Best Beginner Telescopes

!9# Best Beginner Telescopes

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I'm sometimes asked to recommend the best beginner telescopes and my first comment is often "the one you are most likely to use"! It's not that I'm intending to be blunt or to cause further confusion but seriously one of the over-riding factors is going to be whether you are going to be inclined to haul a big heavy telescope around or whether you are really only going to use something very light and portable.

You see all things being equal the diameter of the lens or mirror (depending on what type of telescope you get) tends to govern what you can achieve with the telescope. Bigger is generally better, in that the bigger scopes capture more light and allow greater magnification for seeing those deep-sky objects.

Magnification however is a two edged sword, too much and you will just end up with a fuzzy image so there is a trade-off to be balanced. In very broad terms, take the diameter of your lens or mirror in millimetres and multiply it by 2 to know the upper limit of magnification for the scope.

Refractors tend to produce slightly sharper images than reflectors but good big refractors can be difficult to use properly and very expensive. Reflectors on the other hand are easier to manufacture so are cheaper and often more easily handled by beginners. That said a simple small refractor is easy to grab for a quick casual session on the roof or deck and can be a handy little instrument in the city or suburbs where light pollution can overwhelm larger reflectors anyway.

Buying for kids and living away from the suburbs? The big Dobsonian telescopes are really excellent, so simple to use, giving great views but really best away from the city, (they are pretty cumbersome to transport too).

Catadioptric telescopes are sort of a half refractor and half reflector and are capable of capturing great images, indeed they are often used by astro-photographers but that is a subject a little more advanced than the usual beginner level telescope buyer needs to get too wrapped up in.

Another over-riding factor is the obvious one of budget. There are some really awful scopes out there aimed at beginners but in truth likely to give the poor buyer such a bad experience that it turns them off amateur astronomy for ever after! Avoid those eBay and department store 'bargains' if you want a good experience or want to encourage a young astronomer.

Amazon however has some truly excellent telescopes on offer from a variety of good brands like Celestron, Orion, Sky-Watcher, Meade and others at really great prices. Be aware though that depending where you are in the world you might not be able to purchase from there because of international warranty arrangements.

Read more on purchasing the best beginner telescopes or grab a bargain at

Best Beginner Telescopes

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Celestron 31045 AstroMaster 130 EQ Reflector Telescope

!9# Celestron 31045 AstroMaster 130 EQ Reflector Telescope

Brand : Celestron | Rate : | Price : $193.00
Post Date : Nov 03, 2011 08:15:04 | Usually ships in 24 hours

If you're looking for a dual-purpose telescope appropriate for both terrestrial and celestial viewing, then the AstroMaster Series is for you. Each AstroMaster model is capable of giving correct views of land and sky. The AstroMaster Series produce bright, clear images of the Moon and planets. It is easy to see the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn with every one of these fine instruments. For views of the brighter deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae, we recommend the larger aperture and light gathering ability of the Newtonian reflectors.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Buying A Telescope - Tips and How-To

!9# Buying A Telescope - Tips and How-To

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A telescope can be the most expensive piece of metal and glass that sits on your shelf, or it can be your family's favorite toy. It all depends on how appropriate your decisions are when buying a telescope.

First, telescopes are not mere tubes with lenses at either end. Even the simplest ones are complex and relatively fragile, so they are not something to purchase until your children are mature enough to handle them with care.

Refracting telescopes are the simplest version. These scopes use precision-ground lenses at both the viewing end and the objective end (that's the big end), and also may use Barlow lenses and a mirror to increase the light-gathering quality of your telescope. The best refracting telescopes may have up to eight lenses throughout their construction. Overall, refracting telescopes have low maintenance and are excellent for clear viewing of planets and detail viewing. Look for the ones that have achromatic or apochromatic lenses. Apochromatics are better, but they are also significantly more expensive, sometimes by a factor of 10x the cost.

Reflecting telescopes are the ones that have much fatter barrels. That's because they depend on a well-cut mirror to collect light, rather than perfected achromatic or apochromatic lenses. While reflecting telescopes do a good job of gathering light so you can more easily view distant objects, they aren't as good as a quality refracting telescope for seeing small details on closer objects. For instance, the craters of the moon may not look as clear in reflecting telescopes, though you can see all the stars that make up the Pleiades without any problem. Newtonian reflectors have some of the detail problem corrected, but they still aren't perfect. And while refracting scopes need little maintenance, a reflecting telescope needs mirrors recoated every few years or it loses much of its light-gathering advantage. You may see high-end telescopes of this type marketed as Schmidt-Cassegrain.

There are a few other types of telescopes: the Ritchey-Chretien, which is a modified reflecting telescope; catadioptric telescopes, or compound scopes with elements of both refracting and reflecting types; and Schmidt camera telescope, a catadioptric scope designed specifically for photography. Because of price, most people opt for simpler refracting or reflecting telescopes for at least the first time out.

Selecting your telescope is not all you need to do; you must also select the proper mount, or tripod. The simplest is an alt-azimuth mount, which lets you move your scope up and down and left and right. More expensive are the equatorial mounts, which use alt-azimuth motion but also align themselves according to the earth's spin to make it easier to track heavenly bodies. The best mounts are the motorized equatorial mounts, which can be programmed to not just align themselves properly but even to find specific star bodies for you.

Next, look at magnifying power. This is not as important as you might think. Most telescopes come with eyepieces that provide higher magnification power. Don't pay attention to what the box says; instead, multiply the size in inches of the lens (on refracting) or mirror (on reflecting) of the scope by 50 to find out what the maximum useful magnification is, and depend on swapping out eyepieces to get your real magnification power. Lower magnifications are typically used much more than higher ones.

Larger telescopes in general, are better for viewing, but they are also more delicate. If you have a place where you're going to set up a permanent viewing station, it's worth it to get a large scope, but if you want high mobility, you should get a smaller good-quality scope.

If you live in a high-humidity area or a place where there are extremes of heat or cold in which you will be using your telescope, do not try to get away with a cheap telescope. Telescopes are very sensitive to both moisture and temperature, and your scope must be properly sealed to manage these extremes.

Finally, before buying a telescope, try to join a local astronomy club and check a few of the good ones out. Trying before you buy is always the best way to go, and you'll pick up lots of great tips from other club members in the process.

Buying A Telescope - Tips and How-To

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

How Galileo's Telescope Created the Modern Science of Astronomy

!9# How Galileo's Telescope Created the Modern Science of Astronomy

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Before Galileo turned his telescope toward the night sky the act of astronomy was pretty much an astrological pursuit where objects and motions of object in the sky were explained using ancient and archaic understandings of the universe and how it works.

But he didn't just observe and note new objects in the sky. He applied scientific methods, mathematical laws, and logical thinking to what he observed and it is this cross discipline approach that created the modern science of observational astronomy.

Galileo is often thought of as inventing the telescope. He didn't invent the telescope but he was the first person to turn one toward the night sky. And the observations he made created the new science of modern astronomy where telescopes are used to help us understand our universe, our place in it, and how it works.

Galileo first heard about the mysterious telescope in 1609 and set out to make a copy for himself. This first telescope magnified images about three times. And over the course of a decade Galileo continued to make more telescopes and his most powerful one magnified images about ten times. This telescope enabled him to see things never before seen. And it enabled him to change our view of the universe and of the objects in the sky.

The first thing that Galileo turned his telescope to was the moon and by observing it over the course of many nights he made an important discovery. He saw that dark areas on the surface grew and shrunk depending on where the moon was in relation to the sun. From this he made the correct deduction that these dark areas were shadows cast by craters and mountains. He further explained with geometry that the height of the mountains and depth of the craters could be correctly calculated. This was an astonishingly important revelation in our view of the universe because it was previously believed that the moon was a smooth surfaced object.

Another extraordinary observation, and the most important, that Galileo made was the discovery of the four largest moons around Jupiter. They were previously unviewable but with his ten-power telescope he could see them. And after viewing them over the course of several nights he observed that they moved. With further careful observation and calculation he proved that they revolved around Jupiter. And this was a universe changing observation because it was previously believed that everything in the universe revolved around the Earth.

Galileo went on to make many telescopes and to make many other important observations in both the night and day sky including the discovery of spots on the sun and the discovery of the rings of Saturn. His observations in the sky spurred on many other telescope makers and astronomers to further explore the amazing and mysterious objects in the sky. But more importantly he also spurred on other astronomers to apply the laws and lessons of mathematics and logic to their observations in a quest to understand how the universe works.

This creation of the modern science of telescopic astronomy was clearly born in 1610 when he published his work called "Sidereus Nuncius" or the "Starry Messenger". This work is still available to this day and is considered one of the most important written scientific works.

How Galileo's Telescope Created the Modern Science of Astronomy

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Celestron 21063 AstroMaster 90 AZ Refractor Telescope

!9# Celestron 21063 AstroMaster 90 AZ Refractor Telescope

Rate : | Price : Too low to display | Post Date : Oct 11, 2011 08:35:40
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

If you're looking for a great dual-purpose telescope appropriate for both terrestrial and celestial viewing, then the Celestron AstroMaster Series is for you. Each AstroMaster model is capable of giving image correct views of land and sky. With its time tested durability and high quality optics at an affordable price, the Celestron Astro Master makes a great first telescope! As a bonus, Celestron has included a nice selection of accessories for your new telescope with this purchase, which means you will be observing the same day you unpack the box. Accessories include two full-sized eyepieces, a Star Pointer finderscope for easy location of objects you wish to observe, and even software for your PC. "The Sky - Level 1" will let you study and print star charts from your computer screen... and that's just the beginning!

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

What to look for when buying a telescope

!9# What to look for when buying a telescope

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As children, we have enjoyed in the rule up to the sky at night to see the stars. Maybe we should try to find some of the most popular constellations such as Orion, Ursa Minor, and Ursa Minor and Major. They have been spoiled this time, while we may not have been interested in this over time, has the desire to know the stars and planets remains unpaid. Buying a telescope will not only help to learn more about the moon, the stars and planets.

But the 'Most of his case, it is important to have a telescope that the purchase of quality and your needs. The following are some factors to consider.


Of course you want to buy depending on what you buy telescope last for a long time for you not to return again and again and a new one. A telescope is an investment, and sometimes it's a great depending on how much you spend. Durability is often associated with the brand, so buying a known brand is a sure way to get feedbackthat is durable. Read the reviews of customers will also give you vision on the shelf.


When cell phones first came out, they were analog and now digital. Over time, the compact mobile phones come in various colors, and more features were added, such as cameras and applications.

As for telescopes may have had, or not so important to you. But some have more functions than others, so you must decide whatThey want out of your telescope. Do you want a telescope that is simple and easy, or that all types of functions that the viewing experience?

For example, the ETX-80AT-TC Astro Telescope Meade with multiple functions, including AutoStar. This is a computer controller that can find more than 1400 objects in the sky between the planets, stars, nebulae, and so on. For beginners, this feature could be really useful. More experienced users can not benecessary. But this is something to consider.

How far you want to see? Determine the size of the opening, so as you can see, some you can only view the solar system only. However, this may be sufficient for most people.

Total purchase of a telescope is not something that should be taken lightly. There are many brands and models available, and make an impact on the quality of your viewing experience.

What to look for when buying a telescope

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Popular Science Toys For Kids

!9# Popular Science Toys For Kids

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Why not let your kids drain their brains on another game console when it comes to something that is fun to get, and will help them learn at the same time? Toys of science have grown a lot since we were kids. Telescopes now automatically find the planets and stars, ant farms use NASA technology and new kits for science experiments let your children are budding forensic experts. Here's a guide to the most popular science toys for children.

Choosing the best telescope for children

One of the bestScience toys parents can share with their children, is a telescope. The first time the child sees the wonders of the sky is a magical moment, that I will never forget. It is not quite the child throughout the night camped in the backyard watching the stars instead of cracking his thumb on some mindless video game? =

Here are some tips for buying a telescope at home. Many parents focus on power, or magnification, when trying to understand what kind of telescope to buy their child. InIn fact, the opening or the diameter of the telescope is what determines how much you can do with a telescope. So, for the best telescope for children, have the largest aperture you can take the strongest power.

A stable support is important. There's nothing more frustrating than fight with a wobbly tripod, if you want to concentrate on the rings of Saturn. One of the best telescopes for 21 061 children, the Celestron AstroMaster 70 AZ refractor telescope. Not only is there asolid, stable platform, it also comes with the software with more than 10,000 celestial objects and images to help your child's eyes, the sky every night.

New Toys Natural Sciences

Science toys are clear plastic bottles with Sea Monkeys have grown full of changes. Even the classic has been updated ant. Borrowing technology from NASA, the Antworks Illuminated Fascinations Ant is a self-contained farm, where the ants dig through a special gel for foodthey can also eat. Quite large, but very cool.

Other science toys for children can include mini-insects, frogs and butterflies, habitats and special collectors who collect your children to secure their creepy-crawlies. Now your children can be the marvels of nature, without having to look beyond the search for toads in the bag laundry care time.

The classic children-microscope

If the magic of the immense sky opens up on your child, it is also the miracle minutethe microscopic world. The modern children's microscope is robust, secure, and looks too cool. If you are determined to microscopes Economic children, you might want to consider a good microscope kit. Otherwise, you will be hunting slides, sample containers, and any other accessories your child suddenly decides it needs.

One of the best kids microscope kit is a unique discovery of macro-microscope. It comes with all basic amenities, such as slides, tweezers and sample bottlesalong with a book of experiments and actual samples of fabric, including a true 900 years old Peruvian mummy! Perhaps your child is to ask the hair and toenails, stopped to save for them.

Science kits for kids easy

Science kits are used for the children teen nerd trying to create explosions in the basement with a junior chemistry set are limited. Today, it is easy for science kits for children are safer and more fun. Most science kits include bottles of simple chemicalsand all the laboratory equipment (tubes, glasses, tweezers, etc.) The young scientist needs to conduct explosive experiments not hours. Even more fun is the Electronic Snap Circuits SC-300 kit. The kit comes with clear instructions and easy to understand color and 60 snap-together parts that kids can build over 300 exciting projects including an AM radio, alarm, radio announcer, and more.

Popular Science Toys For Kids

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

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!9#Celestron Hard Waterproof Case for CGE Mount / Pier and NexStar 8i.

Brand : Celestron
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Price : $54.95
Post Date : Sep 01, 2011 00:48:29
Usually ships in 3-5 weeks

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

An introduction to the Meade and Celestron Telescopes

!9# An introduction to the Meade and Celestron Telescopes

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You're just a freak night sky clear and want to deepen your knowledge of astronomy must take as Galileo? All you need is a vision of 20/20 and an astronomical telescope clear and reliable for your astronomical adventures to a great start.

Two of the biggest names in the production of world-class telescopes of the Meade and Celestron are. Together with the main producers of this great star gazing aides Meade and Celestron wereprovides consistently clear and good ways of learning to help them explore the vast and mysterious universe.

Meade Telescopes are a number of series of high-tech telescopes like the Meade DS-2000, and Meade ETX Meade ETX-PE Meade ETX-LS, Meade Lightbridge, Meade LX200-ACF Meade LX200-ACF Advanced, with Meade LXD75, and more again, providing it is a relatively clear, single, tour Universal Service in the night sky is clear.

Most of the Meade AstronomyThe devices are equipped with an onboard computer, which automatically when the professor of astronomy that actually execute successfully on planets like Jupiter and Saturn, nebulae, galaxies, star clusters and the most gifted. These Meade to give careful consideration to small things and items such as premium quality glass optics, optical coatings high transmission of large primary mirror and engineering tolerances, from which his clear difference in the clarity,Resolution and contrast. If you doubt the power of the telescopes of small and medium enterprises appear to have Meade has a number of large telescopes that can be used anywhere. While enormous size, these telescopes provide high-quality optics with ultra portability and about the same price as other classic Meade.

Celestron Telescopes on the other hand, are ideal for beginners and advanced astronomers significantly, with a wide selection of reliable series of telescopesCelestron SkyScout Scope 90 Telescope Celestron such as Advanced Series Celestron AstroMaster, Celestron CGE Celestron CPC Celestron NexStar SE, and much more.

Celestron telescopes are easy to use and manage, as they are virtually maintenance-free for free, but with high precision optics. Celestron has a number of telescopes, which are ideal for both celestial and terrestrial viewing. Celestron has also IT-types that are scheduled to be fully informed of all the universe.If you're one of those who want to have to catch the satellites in Earth orbit to the telescope, Celestron telescopes have, which are equipped with GPS receivers that will help you the exact location of these satellites on the earth. Celestron also offers these types with the classic orange tube-shaped appearance of the original technology of 21 century, such as coatings higher operating system is completely computerized, flash upgradeable hand control and are more inspired.

For beginners andExperts in astronomy, Meade and Celestron are one of the most prestigious and reliable quality for telescopes to consider to help us explore the vastness of the universe. It will not make any concern that you could spend on something that will not be able to know how this great look at the stars aides were perfectly designed for all types of users were.

An introduction to the Meade and Celestron Telescopes

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Celestron 21062 AstroMaster 70 EQ Refractor Telescope

!9#Celestron 21062 AstroMaster 70 EQ Refractor Telescope

Brand : Celestron
Rate :
Price : $115.81
Post Date : Aug 19, 2011 08:27:23
Usually ships in 24 hours

If you're looking for a dual-purpose telescope appropriate for both terrestrial and celestial viewing, then the AstroMaster Series is for you. Each AstroMaster model is capable of giving correct views of land and sky. The AstroMaster Series produce bright, clear images of the Moon and planets. It is easy to see the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn with every one of these fine instruments. For views of the brighter deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae, we recommend the larger aperture and light gathering ability of the Newtonian reflectors.

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Celestron 76EQ AstroMaster Telescope with StarPointer; Erect image; 76mm ap; F/9; 35X, 70X

!9#Celestron 76EQ AstroMaster Telescope with StarPointer; Erect image; 76mm ap; F/9; 35X, 70X

Brand : Celestron
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Aug 15, 2011 03:55:01
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Telescope, 76EQ; Celestron; AstroMaster; No-tool setup; Permanent mount StarPointer; Erect image optics; Quick release dovetail attachment; Aperture: 76mm; F/9; 20mm eyepiece (35X); 10 eyepiece (70X); Mount: CG-2 equatorial; Weight: 18 lb.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Celestron 21061 AstroMaster 70 AZ Refractor Telescope

!9# Celestron 21061 AstroMaster 70 AZ Refractor Telescope

Brand : Celestron | Rate : | Price : $98.32
Post Date : Aug 05, 2011 03:02:31 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Celestron Astromaster 70AZ SCOPE

  • Model Number: 21061
  • Magnification: 90

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